Медведь Любимый


Lazy cupcake with a pear

Lazy cupcake with a pear
20 minutes
8 servins
  • Cottage cheese 500 gr.
  • Condensed milk 300 gr.
  • Pear TM “Medved Lyubimiy” 425 gr.
  • Agar-Agar / Gelatin 5g / 25g.
  • Water 200 ml.
Сooking method

1. Mix cottage cheese and condensed milk until smooth.
2. Open a jar of pears "Bear Loved One", chop, add to the curd mass.
3. Prepare agar-agar according to the recipe on the package or gelatin (the difference is that the agar-agar boil and solidify it at room temperature up to 40 degrees, slightly heat the gelatin and refrigerate) add to the mass, mix and leave to solidify.

Bon appetit!